Adrenalin pur beim CHIO-Cup | CHIO Aachen 2022 | LIVE

Published on July 2, 2022 by

Adrenalin pur beim CHIO-Cup | CHIO Aachen 2022

July 2nd, 2022 | Start Time: 3:45 pm EST | Provided By:  CHIO Aachen

When teams, each consisting of a show jumper, an eventing rider and a four-horseman, compete through the Soers, then it’s time for the CHIO Cup at the CHIO Aachen! The principle is simple once you’ve seen it: all three team members come together to the Soers. The eventing rider starts and jumps a course with fixed obstacles. As soon as his horse is over the last obstacle, the show jumper takes over and rushes as quickly as possible over a jumping course. In time, the eventing rider gets ready, gives up his horse and stands on a pedestal to wait for the moment when the show jumper has overcome the last obstacle. Then comes the ultimate fitness test for riders: a sprint to the waiting four-horseman, jump on it and off you go to part three of this special jump and run game à la CHIO, which is called CHIO Cup.
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