Strong Women, Wild Horses

Published on April 7, 2016 by

Strong Women, Wild Horses

Video Provided By:  Strong Women Wild Horses

“Strong Women, Wild Horses” is a series of film portraits about photographers who have dedicated themselves to documenting how horses live in the wild. Armed with their cameras, these women have ventured into the Great Basin, one of the few remaining untamed areas of the United States to find the free-roaming wild horse. Through the lenses of these photographers, we learn about the majesty and beauty of horses. We discover how they live in harsh, untamed territories that test the limits of mankind. But they also reveal to us how wild horses are caught in the middle of a fierce land battle. As the ranching industry demands more land for cattle and oil producers plot to extend massive pipelines across the country, the lives of these animals hang in the balance. For the wild horse, the Great Basin has literally become a war zone. And, these women are in its trenches. Horses are chased by helicopters and herded into captivity. Foals are ripped away from their mothers. Stallions are stabbed with stun guns. And, all of this is paid for with your tax dollars. These photographers are determined to capture every single frame… both the timeless beauty of horses living in the wild and the current tragedy unfolding as they are being driven to extinction. Visit for more information

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