Sezuan stallion – Presentation of all 3 gaits

Published on April 7, 2016 by

Sezuan stallion – Presentation of all 3 gaits

Video Provided By:  Bbinify hengst at Andreas Helgstrand ‘s yard / video was taken on january 2012 About Sezuan: Born 2009 – Height 173 cm Unrivalled winner of the material test with 987.50 points. Sezuan made history when he obtained a record breaking result of 10 x 10.00, thus meeting the high expectations to him. Already as a 3-year-old stallion, he won many European dressage experts’ hearts with his outstanding gaits and high rideability, and as a result he became one of Europe’s most popular young stallions. In recent years, the sire Zack has proven his worth as a breeding stallion with several approved sons. Sezuan’s dam, Bøgegårdens Don Romina, by the world-famous Don Schufro, who won OL-bronze under Andreas Helgstrand as part of the Danish national team, received Danish Warmblood’s breeder medal in gold and was nominated best dressage mare of the year in 2006. The grand dam is the bronze medal mare Bøgegårdens Laina. Breeding is not a coincidence and we are looking very much forward to Sezuan’s first offspring. Sezuan is approved in Danish Warmblood and acknowledged in several German breeding associations, including the Oldenburger Verband. Sezuan…. well, he can’t walk on water, but almost!! By Blue Hors Zack . Out of a Don Schufro mare I do not own the video and the text is from Helgstrand’s stable website For more information about Sezuan visit:…  


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