HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my angel ♥

Published on March 21, 2014 by

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my angel ♥

Video Provided By:  omgitsracheeel

Today my beautiful angel turns 8 years old. I can’t believe how fast time has run by our lifes, it seems like yesterday he was still a 3 years old little baby and now he turned to most beautiful, most loyal and most amazing horse I could have ever asked! This year it will be 5 years that I’m blessed to have him in my life and I can never thank enough to my parents who made my biggest dream in life came true! I believe that you could ride hundreds of horses in your life, own as many as you want but there will always be that one horse that gallops aways with your heart, and that horse is him. This horse has come so far in so many ways, he changed so much, he learnt so much, he taught so much, he loved so much, he made so many people smile so much and he inspired so much. I know this may sound a little selfish from me but I truly believe this horse and the courage and passion to win and to stand out. I get a lot of people saying how special and different this horse is and that nearly makes me cry because I’m blessed to be in his life and share my days with him everyday. I’d like to thank everyone who has been part of our journey together and supported us, my parents and brother, my dear friends and all the people who have come to me to say some really nice words! Thank you all ♥

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