Published on April 7, 2016 by


Video Provided By:  Debbie Roscoe

Thank you for sharing this video with us Debbie Roscoe.  All horses deserve a forever home and can find a job to fit them.  Thank you for doing what you and so many other do to save unwanted horses. From the producer: This video is dedicated to everyone who shares the love of horses and children. They without a doubt belong together. It also is designed to raise awareness and raise the bar on ending horse slaughter throughout the United States of America and to close all the borders of transportation to Mexico and Canada for the sale of horse meat over seas for human consumption. Also, this video is to not only bring awareness to our horses both domestic and wild, but to bring awareness to our children of today and for future generation of children. Children of all ages with cancer, and disabilities and to help in their cause in the battle against childhood cancer and life changing disabilities. By doing this video I am hoping to send a powerful message that we as Americans need to know and understand the power of the gift of life and the joy and love that comes when two hearts are joined together. Horse and a child, because together it is a bond so powerful it can overcome any obstacle one may face. Please help spread the word to save our horses from slaughter and be their voice and to be a voice for the children the future of tomorrow. Thank you to Habitat For Horses and Washington Horse Defense Coalition. A special thank you to a very young gentleman Declan Gregg.

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