Meet POSH!

Published on April 7, 2016 by

Meet POSH!

Video Provided By:  HorseShowVideos HD to see the cuteness! My HD settings were changed so I have been messing with them again and so far can only get 720. I will try to get my 1080 back! So long time no see!! Finals are coming soon and I have been loaded with teachers throwing in loads of assignments before the end of the year. Show season has also started! So I have been busy busy! But I thought an adorable video of the new baby at the barn would be good for the first video back from a long two months of nothing. Meet Posh! She is the cutest little filly ever and is super duper sweet!! News wise, I just got back from a show to qualify for region 12. Shorty and Ticket were awesome and I also got the opportunity to show a very cool half arabian english horse thats been in some videos before! And we leave for region 12 in a week so that will be lots of fun! So new videos wise, I will make a video from the past show and possibly a pre-12 video as well as 12 videos after the championships. Maybe get some behind the scenes action in there! And there are three more foals due so look forward to many many more updates!!!  

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