“I did not learn it, I have lived it”

Published on April 7, 2016 by

“I did not learn it, I have lived it”

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There is no better feeling then a relationship with a horse.  The power of love with a horse, dog, cat, any animal is an amazing experience, I feel everyone should feel this type of love. 262 | San Antonio de Areco, Argentina A story from Jose about the power of loving an animal. “You get more out of an animal using love than anything else. These types of horses were brought to Argentina by the Spanish, and when the native Indians first saw them, they couldn’t believe their eyes. At night, while the Spanish were sleeping, the Indians would sneak to visit the horses and with touching, patience and kindness they would gain their trust. Sometimes when I’m doing these exercises with the horse our heart beats match, we move as one. Most of the horses are wild, but I have a special bond with them, it’s all about trust, when a horse trusts me, then they relax. Here in the country this is something you begin doing when you are a child, I did not learn it, I have lived it.” To help keep these stories alive, get involved here – ow.ly/EuXxB Meet a Stranger a day – 365docobites.com 365 documentaries in 365 days – Strangers’ short and shorter stories. Big thanks to sayhueque.com for making this docobite possible.

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